Quality Verification

Quality Control

Quality Verification

Liquid and solid raw materials for many thousands of manufacturing applications depend partly on the delivery of raw materials which meet the agreed Supply Specification which the raw material manufacturer either directly or indirectly (through a local distributor) supplies to the manufacturer.

Depending on the raw material, whether liquid or solid, it will have defined quality tolerances for a range of physical parameters, such as viscosity, particle size distribution, solids content, softening point, melting point and a range of chemical parameters such as water content and chemical composition.

Physical and chemical analysis of the raw material to determine any batch-to-batch variation in raw materials.

All investigative work uses our innovative instruments, backed with a fully unbiased and scientifically valid expert opinion. So, what can we do for you?

Take the unknown out of raw material issues. Our decades of expertise in the chemistry and technology of materials, backed up by and evidenced using our suite of analytical equipment, will provide a proof positive understanding of your materials matters.

What do we offer?

Using cutting edge physical and chemical analysis, we can determine if the raw material as delivered, meets the Sales Specification or Certificate of Analysis.

For example:

We can determine if there is any quality related batch to batch variation in material composition.

How we found a solution for our client

The Problem: A manufacturer of abrasive discs was purchasing an abrasive powder. The Sales Specification for the abrasive powder gave a particle size range of between 100 µm and 200 µm. The abrasive disc manufacturer received 7 tons of abrasive, 10% of which would not pass through the manufacturers filter screens and therefore unsuitable for use in manufacturing.

The Process: Our laboratory was contacted, and we dispatched a materials engineer to recover samples of the powder as delivered plus specimens of the material said to be out of the suppliers Specification. Back at our laboratory, the respective powders received a specimen number, after which, they were passed through a vibratory sieve which separated the powder into several fractions. Following this, the fractions were examined using a stereomicroscope.

The Result: Our analysis showed that abrasive powder as delivered, contained particles, 8% of which were below 100 µm and 13% of which were above 200 µm, therefore totally out of the suppliers Sales Specification. The matter did not go to litigation and the abrasive manufacturer was fully reimbursed. Having our analytical resources at his fingertips allowed the abrasive disc manufacturer to establish the root cause of his issue and allowed him to clearly establish where liability rested.

Who could benefit?

Sectors that could benefit from quality control quality verification?

Manufacturing companies who, as part of their process, import raw materials such as raw plastics, polymers, any type of organic or inorganic particulate or granular raw material.


Equipment used can include:

  • Bruker Lumos 2 Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Microscope
  • Hitachi TM4000 Plus Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Oxford Instruments Aztec XPlore Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
  • Zeiss Axioscope 5
  • Film Thickness Gauge

Our business is solving problems, so talk to us now.

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